

2024-03-04 01:42 发表于 巴基斯坦 巴基斯坦


我投资了1500000 美元。有人在 WhatsApp 上给我发消息说这是一个可以在家做的自由职业活,从第一笔小额投资开始,他们给我 1800 美元的佣金,然后分享了他们的计划,我购买了 200000 pkr 计划,他们说我犯了一个错误, 我必须要更多的钱来解决我的错误,我在7-8个交易中花了1500000,但在出金时,他们只给我出2000 rps到我的帐户,并说系统被冻结,我必须提交更多的金额来解冻我的帐户,然后才可以出金。我已附上所有屏幕截图,请帮我把所有钱提出来。



Unable to withdraw

I invested 1500000 in this someone text me on WhatsApp that its a freelanceing wrk from home and they start from small investment on 1st investment they send me 1800 commission and then they share their plans i buy 200000 pkr plan and they said i commit a mistake and i have to snd more money to resolve my mistake i snd 1500000 in 7-8 transection but at the time of withdrawal they only snd me 2000 rps into my accout and said the system is freeze and you have to submit more amoint to unfreeze your account and then you can withdraw your amount i have attached all screenshot kindly help me to withdraw my all amount