

2021-11-04 02:33 发表于 美国 美国


我在 Anand Koundal 开设了一个外汇账户,这是他以前的名字SUSHIGlobal ,我存入 250000 美元,在外汇市场交易并赚取了 8,623,372 美元。当我想提取资金时,问题就开始了,他们开始要求我存入 200,000 美元。我说不管是什么费用,从我的收益中扣除,然后把钱给我。他们说除非我存入 200,000 美元,否则他们无法解冻我的账户。后来他们关闭了 Anand Koundal Limited 并说他们升级了我的帐户,新名称是SUSHI Global investing Limited。这需要向当局和监管机构曝光,因为每天都有几个人被这些人欺骗。怎么办。



Unable to withdraw and a trading scam

i opened a foreign exchange account with Anand Koundal which was the previous name of Sushi Global Investing i deposited 250000 usd and traded foreign exchange market and made 8,623,372 usd . The problem started when I wanted to withdraw funds where they started asking me to deposit 200,000 usd . I said whatever the fees is deduct it from my gains and withdraw me the money . They said they cannot unfreeze my account unless i deposited 200,000 usd. Later they closed Anand Koundal Limited and said they upgraded my account and the new name is SUSHI Global investing limited.
This needs to be raised with the authorities and regulators as several people are being scammed by these people on a daily basis . How