

2021-02-12 01:36 发表于 马来西亚 马来西亚


我可以存入USD2.5K的资金,但是不能提取我的资金。我在2月2日提交了我的提款请求,但是,它在平台上显示为“正在审核”提款状态,此后没有任何进展。我已就此问题与代理商/客户服务联系,但没有回应。 / agent突然消失,在询问提款请求后根本无法联系,我已通过电子邮件发送至support(support@ueexyz.com),并拨打了其网站上提供的公司电话号码(0044 2084 323 088)但是没有答复或没有答案。我该如何解决?请帮忙,因为我想取回我的辛苦赚来的钱。



Unable to withdraw and no response from custermer services

I'm able to deposit fund of USD2.5K, however not able to withdraw my fund. I put in my fund withdrawal request on 2 Feb, however, it appears as withdrawal status 'in review" in the platform and no progress at all since then. I have contacted the agent/customer services on this issue but no response. Customer services/agent disappeared all of sudden and cannot be contacted at all after i asked about my withdrawal request. I have emailed to support (support@ueexyz.com) and called the company's phone number ( 0044 2084 323 088) that made available on their website but either no reply or no answers. How can i resolve this? Please help as i want to get back my hard earn money.